Monday, November 19, 2018

Outback Tree Farm

The Norwell LEAF program went on a trip to Outback Tree farm outside of Listowel. Here we helped Tim and Christine Diebel prepare a load of Christmas trees for the Palmerston Lions Club. We took the trees down to the end of the property to roll and load. Tim and Christine have owned the farm for 24 years and have over 100 acres -80 workable and 22 in Christmas trees. They rent 58 acres to a cash cropper. They showed the class that a good tree has full branches, is green, and has a straight top. They have over 22000 trees on the farm and are harvesting and planting more each year. They have lots of equipment and the farm requires lots of hands on labour. They have a roller and a shaker to shake the snow off the trees and an atv so they don't have to walk back and forth across the farm. For Christmas trees they get $3000 dollars per acre (gross) and they donate $3 dollars from every tree to the Listowel library - $1500 dollars last year. Thank you Outback Tree Farm for your time. We learned a lot about Christmas trees and we were very happy to help.

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