Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Royal Winter Fair

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair takes place every November in Toronto. The Royal offers everything from agriculture, local foods, and equestrian competitions from across the country. Whether you’re a guest or exhibitor you’ll never get bored as there is so much to do and see. Every year, 300 000 people come to the Fair to celebrate the best of the best foods, livestock, and horsemanship. It sure is an eye opener into the world of agriculture.

As a student from the LEAF program I really got a wide look at some parts of agriculture. The most interesting thing about the Royal is that everyone has a different background in agriculture. It is really unique to take a look at what different parts of Canada have to offer. Something that stood out to me was the cooking class that we did with chef Anna Chen. Our goal for the class was to make cabbage dumplings with plum sauce. It was very interesting and unique to learn how to properly cook cabbage and how to properly make a good dumpling. I enjoyed learning about Anna’s background and why she cooks the way she does. She told us what her schooling was like. It really goes to show how someone can still work in agriculture but be in a more food based job.

What I have taken away from my day at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is what my meaning and view of agriculture truly is. To me, agriculture is the study and life of animals, crops, and people. Agriculture takes hard work, passion, and responsibility. Everyone has to learn how to work hard and efficiently with others to get the job done on time. It’s not just farmers who are a part of the agriculture industry. There are so many jobs that surround the industry which really opened my thoughts too. At the Royal I talked with a few people from Quebec who were there for 4H competitions. I asked what agriculture means to them. What I liked most of what they said was that it’s not just the money and jobs that are interesting. It is also the families, the history, and the legacies of agriculture. The passion that people have for their jobs and way of life is truly something amazing. I will always remember my time at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair as it has opened my eyes and thoughts to what agriculture is all about.

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